命名[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
马拉色菌属最初是由法国科学家路易斯-查理·马色拉在19世纪的时候发现的。雷蒙·萨博劳在1904年发现了一种导致头皮屑的微生物,并且命名为秕糠马拉癣菌(Pityrosporum malassez),以纪念马色拉本人。但这个命名在当时指的是这一个物种,而不是一个属。当后来发现这两次发现的物种是同一种微生物之后,“马拉色”这个名字就根据命名优先原则被保留下来。[1]
- 秕糠(马色拉)椭球菌(Pityrosporum (Malassezia) ovale)。该属的真菌需要油脂才能存活,并且仅仅在人身上发现。秕糠椭球菌属后来又被细分为两种属,秕糠球椭菌属和秕糠球菌属(P. orbiculare)。不过目前的资料认为这两种说法实际上都是指的同一个真菌属,人们更愿意称之为秕糠色马拉癣菌属(M. furfur)。[2]
- 厚皮马拉色菌属(Pityrosporum (Malassezia) pachydermatis)。该属的真菌是嗜油脂的,但并非依赖于油脂才能存活。该属的真菌被发现广泛存活于各种动物身上。
- 秕糠马拉癣菌 M. furfur
- 厚皮马拉色菌 M. pachydermatis[4]
- 球型马拉色菌 M. globosa[5]
- 限制性马色拉菌 M. restricta[6]
- 斯洛菲马拉色菌 M. slooffiae[7]
- 合轴马拉色菌 M. sympodialis[8]
- 纳纳马拉色菌 M. nana[9]
- M. yamatoensis[10]
- M. dermatis[11]
- M. obtusa
在人类疾病中扮演的角色[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
头部感染治疗[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
引用[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
- ↑ Inamadar AC, Palit A. The genus Malassezia and human disease. Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol. 2003, 69 (4): 265–70. PMID 17642908.
- ↑ 模板:Cite book
- ↑ Guého E, Midgley G, Guillot J. The genus Malassezia with description of four new species. Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek. May 1996, 69 (4): 337–55. Error: Bad DOI specified模板:Namespace detect showall. PMID 8836432.
- ↑ Coutinho SD, Paula CR. Biotyping of Malassezia pachydermatis strains using the killer system. Rev Iberoam Micol. June 1998, 15 (2): 85–7. PMID 17655416.
- ↑ 5.0 5.1 DeAngelis YM, Saunders CW, Johnstone KR, et al.. Isolation and expression of a Malassezia globosa lipase gene, LIP1. J. Invest. Dermatol.. September 2007, 127 (9): 2138–46. Error: Bad DOI specified模板:Namespace detect showall. PMID 17460728.
- ↑ Sugita T, Tajima M, Amaya M, Tsuboi R, Nishikawa A. Genotype analysis of Malassezia restricta as the major cutaneous flora in patients with atopic dermatitis and healthy subjects (模板:Dead link – Scholar search). Microbiol. Immunol.. 2004, 48 (10): 755–9. PMID 15502408.
- ↑ Uzal FA, Paulson D, Eigenheer AL, Walker RL. Malassezia slooffiae-associated dermatitis in a goat. Vet. Dermatol.. October 2007, 18 (5): 348–52. Error: Bad DOI specified模板:Namespace detect showall. PMID 17845623.
- ↑ Niamba P, Weill FX, Sarlangue J, Labrèze C, Couprie B, Taïeh A. Is common neonatal cephalic pustulosis (neonatal acne) triggered by Malassezia sympodialis?. Arch Dermatol. August 1998, 134 (8): 995–8. Error: Bad DOI specified模板:Namespace detect showall. PMID 9722730.
- ↑ Hirai A, Kano R, Makimura K, et al.. Malassezia nana sp. nov., a novel lipid-dependent yeast species isolated from animals. Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol.. March 2004, 54 (Pt 2): 623–7. Error: Bad DOI specified模板:Namespace detect showall. PMID 15023986.
- ↑ Sugita T, Tajima M, Takashima M, et al.. A new yeast, Malassezia yamatoensis, isolated from a patient with seborrheic dermatitis, and its distribution in patients and healthy subjects (模板:Dead link – Scholar search). Microbiol. Immunol.. 2004, 48 (8): 579–83. PMID 15322337.
- ↑ Sugita T, Takashima M, Shinoda T, et al.. New yeast species, Malassezia dermatis, isolated from patients with atopic dermatitis. J. Clin. Microbiol.. April 2002, 40 (4): 1363–7. Error: Bad DOI specified模板:Namespace detect showall. PMID 11923357. PMC 140359.
- ↑ BBC NEWS | Health | Genetic code of dandruff cracked [2008-12-10].
- ↑ 13.0 13.1 Xu J, Saunders CW, Hu P, et al.. Dandruff-associated Malassezia genomes reveal convergent and divergent virulence traits shared with plant and human fungal pathogens. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A.. November 2007, 104 (47): 18730–5. Error: Bad DOI specified模板:Namespace detect showall. PMID 18000048. PMC 2141845.
- ↑ Guillot J, Hadina S, Guého E. The genus Malassezia: old facts and new concepts. Parassitologia. June 2008, 50 (1-2): 77–9. PMID 18693563.