- 医院地址:广东省广州市中山二路106号
- 联系电话:020-83882222(预约中心),020-83827812(总机)
- 医院等级:三级甲等
- 医院类型:综合医院
- 重点科室:心内科、口腔科、耳鼻喉-头颈外科、呼吸内科、消化内科、眼科、神经内科、肾内科、皮肤科、内分泌科、骨外科、心儿科、心理精神科、麻醉科、肝胆外科、血液内科、整形周围血管外科、风湿免疫科、感染科、烧伤外科、营养科、心外科、血管甲状腺腹壁疝外科、肺部肿瘤专科、老年科、影像科、儿童危重症监护室、小儿神经科
- 经营方式:国营医院
- 传真号码:
- 邮政编码:510080
- 电子邮箱:
- 医院网站:
去广东省人民医院的乘车路线[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
行车路线(外地患者):火车站路线:乘坐5路、203路在越秀公园换乘211路在省人民医院下车; 行车路线(本地患者):乘坐公交76路、112路、211路、76A路、夜4路、93路、548路、542路、864路、45路在省人民医院下车
(补充:从省人民医院东川门诊(即院本部)到惠福门诊(惠福西路123号)可乘医院的患者交通车。从东川门诊出发的开车时间:8:10 、9:20、10:30、11:35、14:00、15:20、16:40)
广东省人民医院地址[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
广东省人民医院概况[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
医院整体科研实力雄厚,在国内非高等院校和科研院所的单位中名列前茅。十一•五”以来共获省科学技术奖14项, 其中一等奖3 项,承担国家、省等各级政府科研项目近500项,其中国家级项目48项;承担临床试验项目179项,其中大型国际多中心项目35项。
目前,我院有15人次担任中华医学会等国家级学术团体主任委员或副主任委员, 101人次担任广东省医学会等省级学术团体主任委员或副主任委员。医院拥有一个博士后流动站,心内、心外两个博士点,心内、心外、心儿、肿瘤学四个硕士点,拥有一批诸如林曙光、庄建、吴一龙等享誉全国的知名专家、博士生导师,为国家培养了博士、硕士研究生近300多人。主办了《岭南心血管病》、《循证医学》等在国内外有着深远影响的医学专业杂志。
Guangdong General Hospital (“GGH” for short) was founded in 1946 and is one of the largest general hospitals in China. The architectural area adds up to 253,000m2. Now there are 4,690 hospital staff including 3,539 medical staff and 592 staffs with senior professional titles. The hospital has more than 2500 opening beds and the annual number of discharge was 78,654.The number of outpatients of its six outpatient departments in 2010 amounted to 3,463,800.
Guangdong Academy of Medical Sciences (“GAMS” for short) was reset up in May 2008 to boost the clinical research of Guangdong and merged with GGH. Affiliated with GAMS/GGH are Guangdong Cardiovascular Institute, Guangdong Geriatric Institute, Guangdong Mental Health Institute, Guangdong Eye Institute, Guangdong Lung Cancer Institute and Guangdong Neuroscience Institute. Moreover, the hospital has strong capacity in medical treatment, rehabilitation, teaching and research.
In 2004 Ta Kung Pao in Hong Kong made a survey among Hong Kong readers, Guangdong General Hospital was honorably rated as “the Most Trustworthy Medical Institution in Mainland China”.
GGH has 37 specialties. Cardiovascular surgery, cardiology, lung cancer treatment are the key specialties of Guangdong and pediatric cardiology, nephrology, geriatrics, psychological medicine and image science are distinctive specialties of Guangdong. East Zone (Dong Bing Qu) is the biggest healthcare base for high-ranking officials in Guangdong and has provided excellent medical service for national leaders of foreign countries.
With fast response, strict discipline, advanced technique, sophisticated equipment, GGH has rich experience in dealing with emergent severe diseases and outstanding performance in large rescue missions, winning commendations from the government and high praise of the public. The hospital has participated in medical care missions of various large international conferences and sports events held in Guangzhou. With about 160 ICU beds in different specialties, the hospital has strong power in emergent and severe diseases management and the number of severe patients treated has been largest over the years in China.
During SARS period in 2003, GGH was the only designated hospital in Guangdong for accepting foreign patients, achieving excellent result of no infection of medical workers and no death of patients. Later on the hospital is also the only designated hospital for accepting foreign patients who get infected with bird flu and H1N1 virus. GGH is honorably designated for medical care of the officials by 2010 Olympic Council of Asia. Consuls and members of foreign chambers ever paid visits to the hospital.
Concord Medical Center has established credibility home and abroad ever since its founding, it has won acknowledgment from established direct billing program with over 30 international insurance companies, thereby gaining good experience in providing medical care to foreign patients.
Since 1982 Guangdong Cardiovascular Institute has been appointed for five times by WHO as its research and cooperation center in China. The institute develops in an all-round way in cardiac surgery, cardiology for adults and children and has been keeping the leading position in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases in China, making it one of the three biggest centers in this field in China. The institute also has two provincial key laboratories: lab of coronary heart disease research and lab of RF/RHD clinical research.
Lung cancer therapy is taking the lead in China and Geriatric Institute is the largest center for geriatric prevention and treatment. Other specialties also keep their superiorities in specific areas, including respiration intervention, hematology, hepatobiliary surgery, gastrointestinal surgery, endocrinology, orthopedics, psychological medicine, psychosomatic medicine, osteoporosis prevention and treatment, burns, radiology, ophthalmology, and vitiligo disease.
GGH is among the best non-affiliated hospitals. In the past three years, 500 government scientific projects have been undertaken, including 48 national projects; 179 clinical trials have been carried out, including 35 large international multi-center clinical trials.
At present, 15 person/times are taking the positions of chairmen/chairwomen or vice chairmen/chairwomen of national academic associations/committees and 101 persons/times at the provincial level. The hospital has a post-doctoral station, two doctoral disciplines of cardiac surgery and cardiology and four master disciplines: cardiac surgery, cardiology, pediatric cardiology and oncology. GAMS/GGH is the teaching hospital for eight universities. Moreover, each year over 700 doctors from secondary or primary hospitals get training here. The teaching quality has received wide acclaim.
GGH has extensive international exchange with USA, Canada, European countries, Japan, Australia and etc. Ninety percent of the chiefs of our specialties ever got trained abroad and those with senior professional titles have experience of attending international academic conferences.
The hospital will take the momentum of health reform to strive for building an ever better medical center for the public.
Guangdong Provincial People's Hospital
专业齐备 优势突出[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
环境优美 设备先进[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
科教兴医 硕果累累[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
医院坚持贯彻“科教兴医”战略,取得了丰硕的成果。“九五”以来共获得各级政府奖励40余项,其中5项获得了国家科技进步奖。承担省部级以上课题140项,大型国际合作项目60项,共获资助经费近1500万元。三项国家重点科技攻关项目顺利通过了验收评估,其中一项还获得了滚动资助,项目整体处于国内领先水平。 2003年心血管研究所被批准建立博士后流动工作站,目前第一批博士后人员已进站工作。拥有2个博士点,3个硕士点,共培养了博、硕士研究生150余人。积极开展继续医学教育项目,已成功举办各类继教学习班200余项,同时作为广东省高等医学院校教学医院,“九五”以来每年完成数百名高校实习生的教学任务。
展望未来 前程似锦[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
英文[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
Brief Introduction of GDPPH
Guangdong Provincial People’s Hospital was founded in 1946 and is conveniently located at the juncture of Zhongshan Er Lu and Dongchuan Lu. After the liberation, especially since China’s reform and opening up, it has developed rapidly. The hospital occupies a total area of 49,000m2, and the architectural area adds up to 253,000m2. Now there are 4,478 working staff, among which there are 3,278 medical staff. The hospital has 2,288 beds. The annual number of discharge is over 65,000 and the number of outpatients of its five outpatient departments amounts to 3,182,900. The hospital consists of five institutes, namely Guangdong Provincial Cardiovascular Institute, Guangdong Provincial Gerontology Institute, Guangdong Provincial Mental Health Institute, Guangdong Provincial Lung Cancer Institute and Guangdong Village Ophthalmology Institute. Moreover, the hospital has strong capacity in medical treatment, teaching and research and is composed of the following medical organizations, namely Guangdong Weilun PET Center, Guangdong Weilun Endoscope Center, Guangdong Clinical Examination Center, Guangdong Center for Village Ophthalmopathy Prevention and Control, and Guangdong Marrow Bank.
Well-equipped Departments and Strong Superiority
As a large general hospital, the hospital covers all specialties and cardiovascular departments are key specialties. Since 1982, Guangdong Provincial Cardiovascular Institute has been appointed for five times by WHO as its research and cooperation center in China. The institute develops in an all-round way in cardiovascular surgery, cardiology and pediatric cardiology and has been keeping leading position in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases in the country, making it one of the three biggest centers in this field in China. The hospital has many other departments with their own characteristics, which have maintained and developed their superiority, especially in oncology general treatment, respiration intervention, hematology prevention and treatment, hepatobiliary surgery, neurology and neurosurgery, orthopedics, psychologic medicine, psychosomatic medicine, burns, radiology, clinical pharmacology research and osteoporosis prevention and treatment. Other departments also have their own features and can develop all-roundly.
Beautiful Environment and Modern Medical Equipment
Through a decade of general transformation, the hospital has taken on an entirely new look. The main building is spacious and bright and equipped with central air-conditioner. On the roof is the emergency heliport. We invested RMB3 million to build the Metro tunnel exits to facilitate patients. With flowers blooming and fountains running, the environment is pleasant for rehabilitation. The hospital is equipped with world-level advanced equipment with a total value of RMB 430 million, including positron emission computed tomography (PET), spiral computed assisted tomography(CT), magnetic resonance imaging(MRI), emission computed tomography(ECT), color ultrasonic diagnosis apparatus, linear accelerator, x-ray bone density surveyor, serial full-automatic biochemical analysor made by Beckman Corporation, central electrocardiographic monitor and bidirectional cardiovascular contrast apparatus.
Academic Achievements in Research Work
The hospital adheres to the strategy of vitalizing medical cause through science and education and has scored great successes. We have won more than 40 awards from different level governments since the year of 1995, among which 5 projects won National Science Advancement Awards. We have undertaken 140 projects that are at province level and above and 60 large international cooperation projects, winning research funds of RMB15 million. Three national key task projects have successfully passed the checking and been accepted, one of which even won the rolling financial aid. In 2003, Guangdong Provincial Cardiovascular Institute was granted to establish post-Ph.D. working station and the first team of post-Ph.D. researchers has begun their work here. The hospital owns 2 doctoral training centers, 3 master training centers and has trained over 150 postgraduates. The hospital has been actively carrying out continual medical education projects and successfully held more than 200 workshops of various kinds. Meanwhile, as a teaching hospital for medical universities and colleges in Guangdong Province, each year it fulfills well the task of teaching several hundred universities trainees.
A Bright Future
The leaders of the hospital have always attached great importance to scientific management. Through introducing advanced technology, the hospital gives full play to technical superiority, strengthens talent training, stresses connotation construction, and persists in managing the hospital with modern hospital management theory and method. We will constantly perfect our medical process, take medical reform as impetus to strive forward with times. All the staffs will try their best to make the hospital a comprehensive modern medical center and provide superior medical service to the people.
周边公交(The bus near the hospital)
211 76 864 夜4 112 542 548
广东省人民医院的先进设备[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
PET/CT、PET、MR、 256层螺旋CT等一大批先进的医疗设备,总值8.7亿多元。
广东省人民医院所获荣誉[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
十一.五”以来共获省科学技术奖14项, 其中一等奖3 项
广东省人民医院附近的医院[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
- 广州市肩颈腰腿痛专科
- 医院地址:广东省广州市中山二路49号
- 经营方式:国营
- 联系电话:020-87615960
- 广州博仕整形医院
- 医院地址:广东省广州市中山二路49号门诊大楼四楼(地铁烈士陵园站B3出口)
- 重点科室:整形外科、皮肤美容科
- 经营方式:私人
- 联系电话:020-37631000
- 广州市肩颈腰腿痛专科医院
- 医院地址:广东省广州市中山二路49号
- 经营方式:国营
- 联系电话:020-87615960
- 广州文明微创医院
- 医院地址:广东省广州市中山二路49号
- 医院等级:二级乙等
- 重点科室:微创泌尿男科
- 经营方式:股份制
- 联系电话:020-37631666(院长助理),37630509(门诊)
- 广州和平手外科医院
- 医院地址:广东省广州市中山二路49号
- 经营方式:股份制
- 联系电话:020-37631724
- 广东省医老年医学研究所
- 医院地址:广东省广州市中山二路蟾蜍岗3号(广东省人民医院的东侧)
- 经营方式:国营
- 联系电话:020-83827812-70131
- 广东省人民医院老年医学研究所(广东省人民医院东病区)
- 医院地址:广东省广州市中山二路蟾蜍岗3号(广东省人民医院的东侧)
- 经营方式:国营
- 联系电话:020-83827812-70130
- 中山大学附属第一医院(中山一院)
- 医院地址:广东省广州市中山二路58号
- 医院等级:三级甲等
- 重点科室:肾内科、内分泌内科、普通外科、肝胆外科、烧伤外科、泌尿外科、妇科、儿科、神经科、耳鼻喉科、生殖医学科、高血压血管病科
- 经营方式:国营
- 联系电话:020-28823388,020-87755766,020-87332200
- 广州爱尔眼科医院
- 医院地址:广东省广州市中山二路54-56号汇隆大厦三-五层中山一院旁边
- 经营方式:股份制
- 联系电话:020-87313301
- 广州市电信局卫生所
- 医院地址:广东省广州市东山区较场西路17号
- 经营方式:股份制
- 联系电话:020-83128306
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